Fórmula de Excel: enésimo valor más grande con duplicados -

Tabla de contenido

Fórmula genérica



To get the nth largest value in a data set with duplicates, you can use an array formula based on the MAX and IF functions.

Note: the LARGE function will easily return nth values, but LARGE will return duplicates when they exist in the source data.

In the example shown, the formula in E6 is:


Where "rng" is the named range B5:B11


First, we get the largest value using the MAX function in E5:


Once we have the largest value established, we create another formula that simply checks all values in the named range "rng" against the "last largest value":


Note: this is an array formula and must be entered with control + shift + enter.

Any value that is lower than the "last largest" survives the test, and any value that's not ends up FALSE. The resulting array looks like this:


As the formula is copied down the column, E5 increments at each row, so that MAX and IF return a new array. The MAX function continues to return the largest value in each array - the nth value in the series.

It would be great to have an all in one formula that deals with n directly. If you have one, chime in below.

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